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What Makes Up The Best Mech Mod?

What Makes Up The Best Mech Mod?

Posted by Chad Wilson on 12th Aug 2016

What Makes Up The Best Mech Mod?

This is an issue that has come up many times over the years. Though many people have a number one factor they consider in their mech mods, there are many factors to consider.

  • Quality of materials
  • Craftsmanship
  • Design
  • Features

How Do Mech Mods Work?

Mech mods work by delivering whatever voltage is left in the battery straight to the atomizer. It does this by pushing the button to complete a circuit. Whenever the button is pushed, the circuit is completed and the mod fires. Whenever the button is not pushed, a circuit is not created and it does not fire. Simple, right? Part of the beauty of mech mods is their simplicity. And if all other things are equal, the more conductive mech mod is going to hit harder, period.


Almost everything in the mech mod game boils down to one thing, conductivity. The more conductive your mech mod is, the harder it's going to hit. What kinds of things can harm conductivity in a mech mod? First is the actual material the mod is made of. There are many different alloys to factor in but basically the list from most conductive to least in mech mods is as follows:

  1. Silver
  2. Copper
  3. Gold
  4. Aluminum
  5. Stainless Steel

What other things can harm conductivity? Threads. Any place where threads are used where a solid piece of metal could be used, voltage is dropped. Cleanliness can also effect things. If you let your contact surfaces or threads get dirty, that gets in the way of the flow of electricity. Consequently, mech mods must be cleaned at regular intervals to preserve their conductivity. But if you have a mech mod you're fond of, this can very much be a labor of love. Plus, when they're fresh and clean is when you show them off.

Simplicity and Reliability

Another awesome benefit to mechanical mods is their simplicity and reliability. A mech mod works by completing a circuit. If the mod is not firing, then something is not making contact. These things are a dream to troubleshoot compared to a variable wattage box mod. If it's not quite hitting like it once was, it's as easy as checking the contact surfaces and making sure they're clean. Another great part is theoretically, any mech mod should fire as long as all the connection points are clean and it's making contact. I still vape mech mods I got in 2011, just clean the surfaces and you're good to go. A nice mech mod is a piece that you can keep for a long time and not have to worry about it letting you down.

For Advanced Users Only

A lot of times, people say this because mech mods inherently don't have a lot of safety protection built into them. It's a good idea to have an understanding of Ohm's Law or at least know how to work a calculator in order to determine if your build is safe. The thing to keep in mind with mech mods is that if it is making a connection, it is firing. Whether you meant for that or not. A button lock used to always be a concern with mech mods as it was the only way to ensure that your button was not firing. Nowadays, innovators have found ways around that from very strong rare earth magnets to mods that actually disassemble in case of venting.

Another factor is the pulse/burst rating of a battery. A lot of people out there will build lower than the constant rating of their batteries. You might see claims online of 60-amp pulse batteries. Relying on the pulse rating of a battery can lead to a myriad of issues. The first is the fact that most battery manufacturers that give you a pulse rating, don't tell you what a pulse is. It could be .1 seconds, it could be 5 seconds, you just don't know. And even if you are smart and monitor your batteries through use, problems can still arise. If your mod fires when you're not around, you have the approximate amount of time that a pulse fire is to find your mod and stop it from firing. After that, your batteries enter thermal runaway and not much can be done. This is why you should base all of your decisions on the constant ratings of RELIABLE battery manufacturers.

Hybrid connections are also an area of concern. It seems like most of the accidents we see with vaping come from hybrid mods, and it's a warning we've actually heard many times. Most people say "Don't use tanks with hybrid connections." to say safe. This is a decent starting point to the discussion, but is not the whole truth. The truth of the matter is that your atomizer needs to have a pin that protrudes out from the bottom of the 510 connection enough so that the battery will contact the pin and never touch any of the sides. If you want the best mech mod ever, it's probably going to have a hybrid connection just because adding a pin in creates resistance no matter what. Thus, it is important to know the truth about hybrid connections.


In conclusion, there are no inherent safeties on mech mods, so it's on you to be the safety device. Mech mods are fantastic and an absolute joy to vape, but there are some things to be careful about. Don't be intimidated by mech mods, just learn what you're doing and enjoy all the positives that come from mechanical mod vaping.